While his field of education has been in Psychology, his passion towards the art of Magic made him one of the most celebrated Magicians of the country.

His Audiotapes on relaxation, memory, self-confidence, inferiority complex, fears, assertiveness and other psychosomatic disorders helped innumerable clients. His approach to personal growth and personality development has been proven successful over 30 years of treating, motivating and counseling people. He has been conducting workshops on Soft Skills / HRD and motivating Students, Teachers, Professionals, Entrepreneurs, and Leaders on various topics across India, USA, Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Arab Countries and helping people to overcome their Stress & Fears, and achieve the desired success. from Osmania University (Yoga & Hypnotism - A Pragmatic Approach). BV Pattabhiram is a Post Graduate in Psychology, Philosophy, a PG Diploma holder in Guidance and Counselling, and Ph.D.