Could Ishak be next on the list, or is he the man responsible? Tracking down his more ‘unsavoury’ allies, Serena is shocked to encounter a familiar face: that of her grieving ex-partner, former Malaysian ICD officer Megat Jamil (Bront Palarae). As Serena and Heri work together to catch the killer, their inquiries lead them to industrialist/kingpin Datuk Ishak Hassan (Wan Hanafi Su), whose prominent family and known associates all have some connection to the victims. Seeking answers, Heri finds a way to insert himself into the Malaysian investigation.

Meanwhile, in Jakarta, for ICD Lieutenant Heriyanto Salim (Ario Bayu), the case turns personal when his brother is found murdered in similar circumstances. Called in to investigate, Singaporean International Crimes Division (ICD) officer Serena Teo (Rebecca Lim) takes charge of a case across the border where a family has been slaughtered aboard a luxury yacht in Johor. Namun takdir mempertemukan mereka kembali.A series of brutal murders, each sharing a signature MO, takes place across Malaysia and Indonesia. Streaming drama Jepang terbaru seperti Tokyo Love Story 202 yang. Suatu hari karena kecelakaan, mereka tiba-tiba harus terpisah dan tidak pernah bertemu lagi. Suka nonton drama Jepang Viu punya koleksi drama Jepang sub Indo yang lengkap buat kamu. Jung Woo merupakan seorang teman sekolah Soo Yeon, memiliki sifat yang baik dan selalu menolong Soo Yeon saat dalam keadaan sulit. Karena ayahnya tersebut, ia selalu dibuli oleh teman sekolahnya. HI GUYS Tolong bantu kami untuk mengembangkan channel ini dengan cara KLIK SUBCRIBE,LIKE,AND SHARE Kalian juga bisa komentar untuk request drama jepang apa saja dan akan kami usaha kan uplod. , Winry Rockbell, Leave a comment Drama Korea I Miss You Subtitle Indonesia Sinopsis I Miss You :ĭrama Korea I Miss You Sub Indo menceritakan Soo Yeon yang merupakan seorang pemuda yang memiliki seorang ayah pembunuh. Details Drama Korea My Mister Title: / Naui Ajussi Also known as: My Ajusshi Daftar Pemain Drama My Mister Main Cast Lee Sun Kyun as Park Dong Hoon (45) IU as Lee Ji Ahn (21) Dong Hoon’s Family.

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